Hello everyone! I’d love to put more time into my comic and post even more work, but I need your support! I have started an Patreon account where you can support me and help me create more work I’ll still post work here and on instagram, but if you follow me on patreon for as little as $1 a month you’ll get access to even more fun stuff! You will find me on www.patreon.com/kosogkaos
Category: Pregnancy
Flashback to the same time a few years ago, and I was building my nest in preparation for the arrival of my first baby! I cleaned the whole house, decorated the baby’s new room, and bought a lot of baby stuff that I never needed. See some of my stories in my book “I’m so pregnant”.

Mother’s day gift
Buy my new book on Amazon.com
In this collection of funny illustrations that perfectly depicts the awkward and uncomfortable realities of pregnancy—because creating a tiny human isn’t just sunshine and smiles.
Being “a little bit pregnant” may not be a thing. But being “so pregnant”? It’s so possible. In this hilarious book, I delivers the often ignored, but always honest truth about those magical—and sometimes messy—nine months of pregnancy.
From morning sickness that lasts all day to weird dreams that last all night and heartburn that just won’t quit, I’m So Pregnant perfectly captures what it is really like being pregnant. Unlike strangers touching your belly, these playful and adorable cartoons will touch your heart and give a whole new meaning to “belly laugh.”
Give this book to an expecting mom for mother’s day or baby shower. Buy it on Amazon.com
Pregnancy feeling
I asked you on instagram and Facebook a few weeks ago what your pregnancy feeling is. This illustration is based on this comment: Pregnancy feels like a turtle stuck on my back when trying to get out of bed! 😀 I totally agree..
Sheldon Cooper shared my work
It’s not every day you find your work on Sheldon Cooper’s fan site! 12m followers! 😀
So had to share a screenshot with you:)
Photo collage
I love these images send to me by Joanna Da Cruz!!
If you have a collage, send it to me by e-mail or just contact me on my social media profiles! 😀
Pregnancy gift book
I’m so excited that my pregnancy cartoon book is finally out!😊It’s a small gift book with both new drawings and my favourite pregnancy drawings! It’s in Norwegian, but I think you’ll understand quite a lot from the pictures. You can get a copy atTanum
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